Tag Archives: EOIs_OSLs

The Official School of Languages, Spain. La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

Some more info by clicking here  and here  (two previous posts about the topic)

About Learning a Language

Dear learners,

I’d like to share with you my view, understanding and approach to language learning and teaching. This presentation (click the link below) will probably help you understand the mechanism behind the effort and energy you’re investing in learning English, which will  -hopefully- have a possitive impact in your progress.

About learning a language

All the best,


Por el reconocimiento de los títulos de las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de España en la Unión Europea

Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, centros públicos e independientes ofrecen la posibilidad de un aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras de calidad y al alcance y servicio de todos nosotros, y no sólo de los que pueden permitirse desembolsar grandes cantidades de dinero en centros privados. ¿Por qué no reconocen en Europa nuestros certificados y sí los de organizaciones privadas como el British Council? Grrrr….




The Official School of Languages is a public funded school specialised in teaching of modern foreign languages, Spain´s co-official languages and Spanish for Foreigners. The Official Schools of Languages network, which has almost 100 years history and approximately 250 centers and 400.000 students nowadays, is part of the Spanish system of non-obligatory special education.

 It is the aim of this organisation to provide the students with the appropriate tools to communicate in the foreign language they may choose (Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Euskera, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Irish, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish for Foreigners and Swedish). Some schools also offer a variety of courses for specific purposes: Medical English, Legal French / English, Business English, Translation, Culture and Literature Courses, etc. There is also a variety of courses designed to tackle specific skills: written expression, reading, speaking and writing.  

A detailed insight into this system here

Certification in our schools takes into consideration CEFR principles (Common European Framework of Reference for Language Teaching and Learning) although it has not been given real international recognition yet.