Tag Archives: food

The Meatrix

This an interesting and funny activity which will help you improve your listening comprehension abilities (intermediate and above). Created by Ella, published at blog.mansioningles.net, 01/2011. Topic: food, meat, factory farming, etics, greed.

Before you watch a YouTube video about Leo, Moopheus and the Meatrix, read these questions:

1. Which colour pill shows you the truth?

2. Which products does Moopheus say come from factory farms?

3. What is added to the animal feed?

4. What is the bad smell?

5. Approximately how many family farms have disappeared since 1950?

pill = pastilla
factory farm = establecimiento ganadero de producción intensiva
animal feed = alimentos para animales


Now, after answering the above questions, you can check the answers:

1. The red pill. 2. Eggs, milk and meat 3. antibiotics 4. Excrement  5. approximately 2 million